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Mobile arbitration groups received appeals in 244 controversial cases

16 October 2023 1891

“Uzagroinspectorate” continues to work on high-quality acceptance of cotton from the 2023 harvest, prompt and fair resolution of disputes between the sender and recipients.

For information together with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Association of Cotton and Textile Clusters of Uzbekistan, the Technical Regulation Agency of Uzbekistan, the Council of Farmers, Peasants and Homestead Landowners, and the Center for Agricultural Products Quality Assessment. For fair resolution of disputes, 39 mobile arbitration groups have been created, 3 in each region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

As of October 16 of this year, 39 mobile arbitration groups created under the territorial departments of the Inspectorate received 244 requests to determine the moisture content and contamination of cotton raw materials, received in a total of 384 cotton processing enterprises of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and its regions. , and in 65 cases - the class of cotton, in 179 cases, 182 disputes regarding the contamination and moisture of cotton raw materials were resolved in favor of farms, 62 - in favor of processing enterprises.

Based on requests from business entities, Mobile Arbitration Groups draw up documents based on the results of dispute resolution.

As a result of regular quality control of the acceptance of the current year’s cotton harvest by the Uzagroinspectorate, the raw cotton produced in the republic is accepted as being of high quality.

Create an additional source of income by transferring high-quality cotton raw materials grown by Uzagroinspectorate and its regional administration and departments to farms, cotton-textile clusters and established cooperatives, as well as produce competitive products by obtaining high-quality cotton raw materials. and their processing, explanations and necessary recommendations are given regarding the possibility of issuing

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