Ру Ўз O`z En

Navoi: More than 33,000 hectares are planted with repeated crops

4 July 2024 268

Today, in order to satisfy the population's demand for food, in the Navoi region, the fields empty of grain for the harvest of 2024 are being intensively cleared of straw and replanting.

In particular, planting of repeated crops on 33,300 hectares, including 1,395 hectares of vegetables, 355 hectares of sugarcane, 1,000 hectares of potatoes, 1,923 hectares of oilseeds, 10,866 hectares of pulses, 1,500 hectares of rice, 8,657 hectares of fodder and 7,604 hectares It is planned to plant history crops.

In particular, in the Birgina Khatirchi district, the planting of potatoes, rice, vegetables, oil rice and rice crops on 9 thousand 789 hectares is being organized by farms.

"Polat Bobo" farm in Kasim Rahmatov area, which belongs to the district governor's sector, has 21 hectares of grain area, fulfilling the grain transfer plan in the district more than the first, and finishing the planting of 16 hectares of leguminous and 5 hectares of vegetable crops in the areas freed from grain.Repeated cropping is also very beneficial to the field. The problem of lack of biological nitrogen in the soil is eliminated when repeated crops are planted on the land freed from grain, and the fields become more cultivated.

In addition, repeated cropping is a source of additional yield, satisfies the population's need for material benefits, lowers prices, and guarantees the sustainable development of a multi-crop system in agriculture.

In addition, it continuously increases soil fertility, enriches it with organic matter, improves its properties, strengthens biological processes and brings additional income to farmers. The main thing is that it will be possible to provide the population with vitamin-rich vegetables, potatoes and potato products throughout the year.

B. Tuychiyev, chief specialist of the regional department of the Inspectorate.

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