Ру Ўз O`z En

Navoi: the public was informed about the work of the department in 2023 and for the future

12 January 2024 1347

The agricultural sector occupies one of the leading positions in the sustainable development of the economy of our country and improving the well-being of our people. A control check of the Agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture was carried out jointly with the Navoi regional branch and the Navoi regional branch of the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan, in connection with the work carried out during the past 2023 and plans for 2024. A press conference took place. The event was attended by media representatives, bloggers and industry representatives.

During the conference, the administration and its territorial divisions monitored compliance with legal requirements, the state of agriculture, land reclamation and road construction techniques, the use of raw cotton, grain and products obtained from its processing, agrotechnical measures, rural specialists provided information on the extent to which this carried out in the system and its maintenance and control over the use of agricultural land.

It was also discussed what work and plans the Agroinspectorate will have to implement in 2024. “A number of activities are being carried out in the field of deepening economic reforms in the agricultural sector of our country, implementing laws and decisions related to the development of the industry, monitoring the implementation of established procedures,” says Orifjon Nazarov, head of the department of performance discipline, of the Information and Analytical Department of the Navoi region “Uzagroinspectorate”. , administrative practice and appeals.

- In particular, in 2023, the inspectorate carried out 371 inspections and carried out more than 4,900 activities.

73 submissions were made to the heads of state organizations and enterprises to eliminate violations of the law and the conditions that made this possible, and 4 thousand 456 written instructions were given.

Also, 4 thousand 795 people were officially warned, administrative measures were applied to 375 officials and citizens, and 40 of them were sent to law enforcement agencies for prosecution.

Following the event, industry experts answered questions from journalists and bloggers in detail, and an agreement was reached on further strengthening the department’s cooperation with the media.

Rashidova D., Navoi Regional Inspection Department

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