Ру Ўз O`z En


15 June 2023 2341

The harvesting of ripe grain in the fields of our country is in full swing. Before the start of the season, the Navoi regional department and the district offices of Uzagroinspektsiya conducted field permit checks to collect seeds in grain fields.

For reference, seed material for next year's harvest has been sown and processed on 2760 hectares in 87 grain farms of the region today.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On sowing" and other regulatory legal acts, the clearing of sown areas from hard-to-separate cultural weeds and alien species, as well as the disposal of inappropriate fields, was controlled by the regional administration and departments of the Inspectorate.

In order to ensure the implementation of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of April 20, 2023 No. 75 and the order of the regional department of agriculture of April 25, 2023 No. I-21 to the region, territory.

In this regard, all district approvers were officially warned to conduct permit checks on the fields of seeds and grain grown by farms in a transparent manner.

In particular, in order to provide practical assistance to farms engaged in seed and grain production in the region, seminars were organized and preventive measures were taken to comply with the Law “On Seed Production”, Government Decree No. 641 of October 12, 2009, 2021 and other regulatory documents. As a result, compared to the same period last year, there were fewer cases of violations of the law.

The purpose of the permit check is to determine the genetic purity of crop varieties, their damage by pests, disease infestation, as well as the general condition of the seeds intended for planting. Therefore, we approached this process seriously and paid attention to high-quality and prompt coordination.

Warning letters were sent to 87 heads of farms who planted seeds during the permit check.

According to the final result of the agreement, a total of 2,278 hectares of lands of 78 farms were recognized as suitable, as a result of which it was planned to obtain 8,800 tons of seed grain.

Analyzing these suitable areas by districts, this figure is 463 hectares in the Karmana region, 543 hectares in the Gyzyltepa region, 426 hectares in the Navbakhor region and 846 hectares in the Khatyrcha region.

In addition, 210 hectares of sown areas of 18 farms were found unsuitable due to untimely implementation of agrotechnical measures and the removal of weeds.

Mirzoev A., head of the branch of the Navoi regional department "Uzagroinspektsiya"

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