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"Uzagroinspeksiya" organized a press tour

25 October 2023 2144

“Uzagroinspektsiya” and its Tashkent regional representative office organized a press tour to the enterprise “Tashkentdonmakhsuloteri” JSC in connection with the implementation of regulatory documents in the field of reception, storage, processing and quality control of wheat grain accumulated for the 2023 harvest and in connection with this. with measures taken in this regard. made

The press tour was attended by specialists from Uzagroinspectorate, representatives of the public and the media.

The main goal of this press tour is to convey to the general public the essence of the work carried out using the example of the activities of the Tashkentdonmakhsulotri JSC enterprise in the field of grain in the Republic of Uzbekistan and ensuring grain safety. and flour products through the media.

Participants of the event for the first time carefully familiarized themselves with the activities of the enterprise Tashkentdonmakhsulotri JSC. Then they directly witnessed the analysis processes carried out in the laboratory to study the quality, flour yield and baking properties of wheat grain harvested in 2023 at the enterprise’s elevator.

In total, 267 thousand tons of wheat grain were received from the 2023 grain harvest in the Tashkent region, of which 132 thousand tons were received for storage, 109.3 thousand tons for temporary storage and 25.7 thousand tons for seed grain.

Of these, under the control of the Inspectorate, 204,268 tons of wheat grain are imported into open areas, 68,745 tons into closed containers at grain receiving points, 113,604 tons into enterprise elevators, and 12,450 tons into special sites.

By this day of this year, the production of 89,188 tons of flour was controlled by existing grain processing enterprises in the region.

2 million from the 2023 grain harvest in the republic. 451 thousand 612 tons of grain have been accumulated, of which 1 million tons. To the savings account 306 thousand 890 tons, 1 million rubles. 144 thousand 722 tons of grain were accepted for temporary storage.

Today in our republic there are 43 grain receiving enterprises, their 8 branches and 114 grain receiving points. “Uzagroinspektsiya” carries out constant monitoring of the quality of wheat grain and its processed products stored at these grain enterprises, branches and grain receiving points, as well as preventing spoilage.

Information service "Ozagroinspektsiya"

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