Ру Ўз O`z En

Quality storage of grain accepted as a state resource is under inspection control

27 October 2023 2055

The inspection strictly controlled the timely entry of grain received from the 2023 harvest into elevators and closed containers of grain receiving points and their open areas. In addition, relevant specialists from the inspection department of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regional departments provide daily information on monitoring the implementation of these activities.

Of the 2023 grain harvest, only 2 million. Grain accumulated 605 thousand 328 tons, of which 1 million tons. To the Fund's account 307 thousand 341 tons, 1 million rubles. 58 thousand 666 tons of wheat grain were accepted for temporary storage, 1 million tons of this wheat were sold. 738.4 thousand tons were exported to open deposits.

Today 1 million. Elevator and closed capacities accounted for 678 thousand 281 tons or 96.6 percent.

Only 59 thousand 919 tons, or 3.4 percent of grain received for temporary storage, were placed in special areas surrounded by concrete fences, and the upper part was covered with tarpaulin and sold on future exchanges.

Also, in order to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks and objectives assigned to us, Uzagroinspeksiya employees continuously organize work and constantly monitor the quality, correct placement and storage of incoming grain in state warehouses.

Employees of Uzagroinspeksiya carry out daily monitoring of the rational use and targeted use of grain and grain products located in the state resource.

Pirnazarov I.A., chief specialist of the department for control of the use of cotton raw materials, grain and products obtained as a result of its processing, inspection

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