As a result of the increase in the population of our country, the demand for grain products is increasing. In order to meet this demand and to achieve high productivity in grain crops, it is important to grow quality seed grain.
Therefore, in order to provide agricultural enterprises growing grain crops with high-quality, high-yield seed grain for planting next year, the Inspection has taken control of the production of seed grain by clusters, scientific research institutes, private seed farms, and elite seed farms affiliated with the Seed Development Center, which have acquired the right to grow seed grain for the 2025 harvest.
In particular, it is planned to grow 25.8 thousand tons of high-quality high-yield seed grain from 18 varieties of grain crops on a total of 8 thousand hectares of seed fields of 160 seed farms in 8 districts of the Tashkent region.
1 thousand 27 hectares of these areas are breeding nurseries, 6 thousand 418 hectares are super-elite and 556 hectares are seed areas of elite generation.
18 selective varieties of grain crops were planted in Urug grain fields, and the main fields were planted with "Asr", "Alekseeich", "Grom", "Vassa", "Antonina", "Bezostaya-100", "Vekha", "Ultra", "Obad", "Grud", "Grom", "Elanchik", "Sobirbosh", "Temiryazovka-150" varieties.
In order to ensure the production of high-quality seed grain from seedbeds, specialists of the Department of Control over the Production of Agricultural Crops of the Tashkent Regional Department and district departments of the Inspectorate are conducting monitoring work to control the timely and qualitative implementation of the established agrotechnical measures at each stage of grain development in seedbeds.
The monitoring results showed that grain in seedbeds is developing in the accumulation phase.
Currently, in order to accelerate the development of grain and increase its resistance to diseases, foliar feeding is carried out using nitrogen fertilizers and biostimulants.
Head of the Department for Control of the Production of Agricultural Crop Seeds. Sh.Usubaliyev