Ру Ўз O`z En

State institution "Agricultural Product Quality Assessment Center" was awarded 3rd place in the labor protection and safety competition.

24 April 2024 774

The contest was held between state institutions and public service employees' union system organizations under the slogan "Organization of public control over labor protection and safety, impact of climate change on labor safety and hygiene." The Trade Union Committee of the state institution "Center for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Products" under "Uzagroinspektsiya" managed to take the 3rd place in the nomination "Best Trade Union Committee" on labor protection.

In this regard, the chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the Center Atabaev Maxamedjan Zakirovich and Labor Protection Engineer Mirakhmedov Otabek Amanovich participated in the awarding ceremony of the winners held on April 23 of this year and were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts of the Council of the Republic.

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