Ру Ўз O`z En

Technically, the implementation of regulatory documents is under control.

19 October 2023 1921

Over the 9 months of this year, 283 control activities were carried out in the areas of control, certification and metrology of compliance with regulatory documents of the Inspectorate, and 52 administrative acts were drawn up on the shortcomings identified during inspections.

In particular, in January-September 2023, in order to monitor the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Standardization”, “On Technical Regulation” and other regulatory legal documents in the field, 25 inspections and monitoring were carried out. technical regulation, 4 administrative decisions were made, mandatory instructions were given in 14 cases, notifications were issued to 11 business entities, collected materials in 4 cases were sent to law enforcement agencies for legal assessment.

Certification of seed grain is carried out by the state institution “Assessment of the Quality of Agricultural Products” during inspection.

As of October 19 of this year, a total of 266,684 tons of seed grain were selected by the Center under the Inspectorate, of which 99 percent or 259,380 tons of seed grain samples were analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, it was established that 250,126 tons of seed grain fully comply with the requirements of the standards, and certificates of conformity were issued.

Currently, samples taken from 7,305 tons of seeds are placed in special equipment in the Center’s laboratory, and work to determine their quality continues.

Sh. Mamadalieva, chief specialist of Uzagroinspektsiya LLC for monitoring the implementation of regulatory documents, certification and metrology

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