In Navoi region, 34,300 hectares of grain crops are being cultivated for this year's grain harvest.
Today, the Navoi regional department and district departments of the Inspection are conducting control measures to ensure the quality of agrotechnical measures in grain fields maintained in the region.
During the control measures, special attention is paid to the timely feeding of grain fields with mineral and local fertilizers, as well as the quality of irrigation, weed control, and disease and pest control.
During the control measures carried out in the regions during the season, it was revealed that 1,489 farms had shortcomings in the implementation of agrotechnical measures on 11,505 hectares of grain fields.
In particular, it was found that 1,814 hectares of grain area of 587 farms were sparse, 2,443 hectares of grain area of 303 farms were lagging behind in development, 286 hectares of 42 farms were nourished with poor-quality nitrogenous mineral fertilizers, and 1,554 hectares of grain area of 135 farms were irrigated poorly.
To eliminate these shortcomings in the short term, 11 submissions were made to district khokimiyats, 124 written instructions were issued to relevant officials and heads of enterprises, and 447 warning letters were issued to heads of farms.
Head of the Department S. Khudoynazarov