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The next course has started at the center

29 May 2023 1729
World Cotton Institute (Memphis, USA), Bremen Cotton School (Bremen, Germany), Gdynia Cotton Fiber Classification School), ICA International Cotton Association (Liverpool, Great Britain), Texas International Cotton School (Texas, USA) Uzbekistan (Tashkent) ) there are training courses for training cotton classifiers. In particular, training courses were organized at the state institution "Center for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Products" under "Uzagroinspeksiya" based on license No. KMO0301.
Training courses were organized for the first time in 1996 under the "Sifat" Center of Uzbekistan, and trained qualified specialists (classifiers) in the direction of cotton fiber classification not only for our country, but also for neighboring CIS countries.

From May 22 of this year, the next group started its activities in the training course "Classification, certification and marketing of cotton fiber" by the relevant order of the director of the state institution.

This training course consists of a total of 248 hours, and the lectures consist of topics such as standardization and certification of cotton fiber in the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, marketing principles, regulations for the initial processing of cotton, and fire safety.

Based on the approved curriculum, the students of group I-2023 took part in practical training at the cotton ginning enterprise "Korasuv" located in the Ortachirchik district of the Tashkent region in order to learn the technological process of cotton ginning enterprises and get acquainted in practice.
Also, the participants of the training courses were given detailed explanations by the specialists of the Center on fire and equipment safety.

"Uzagroinspeksia" Information Service
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