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The results of the competition between seed cotton growers from the current year's crop

8 June 2023 1637
"Uzagroinspeksiya" has been granted a number of rights and powers in the field of agricultural seed production, technical regulation of cultivation, preparation, processing, storage and sale of agricultural seed. supervises its implementation in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents in the field.
In 2022, specialized areas for the cultivation of seeds of agricultural crops were determined, and in these areas, it was decided to hold a competition by the hokims of 119 districts in order to be authorized to grow seed cotton from the harvest of 2023.

Competitions held among farms for obtaining the right to grow seed cotton raw materials are held on the basis of relevant decisions and norms of the government.

For this purpose, local selection working groups received applications from 3,793 applicants, of which 3,187 were recognized as winners, and the remaining 606 subjects were deemed unfit for seed cotton cultivation for various reasons.

When conducting these elections based on the principles of transparency and justice, it was found that there are a number of violations of the law in some regions and districts.

In particular, although the regulations approved by the Government's decision clearly define the dates of the elections, the evaluation procedure and information about the documents to be submitted, it was found that the elections were not held in 62 districts.

In particular, elections in 11 districts in Andijan and Fergana regions, 7 districts in Samarkand and Surkhandarya regions, 9 districts in Namangan, 6 districts in Kashkadarya, 5 districts in Jizzakh, 4 districts in Syrdarya, and 2 districts in Khorezm were not held within the specified time limits.
Also, in 350 cases, the average scores of the competition winners were calculated incorrectly, this figure was 150 in Andijan region, 73 in Jizzakh, 46 in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, 29 in Tashkent region. , 17 in Bukhara, 11 in Navoi, 9 in Khorezm, 8 in Samarkand, 5 in Fergana, and 1 each in Syrdarya and Namangan regions.

In addition, when studying the status of the documents submitted by the applicants to the selection commission, it was found that the required documents were incomplete in a total of 239 cases.

It was also observed that 240 hectares of total 25 subjects in Toshloq, Dangara, Buvayda and Uchkoprik districts of Fergana region were taken more than the area allocated for seed cultivation in these districts.

In addition, in order to obtain the authority to grow seed cotton, contests should be held only among subjects in specialized regions, but in Syrdarya and Tashkent regions, without complying with this requirement, 1,341 hectares of 29 subjects were considered the winners of the contest. found.

As a result of the studies, 48 ​​warnings, 134 mandatory written instructions, 20 submissions to the district worker were issued by the selection commissions established in the districts in order to eliminate violations of the law and prevent their recurrence in the future. groups, and 3 administrative reports were drawn up, and the materials collected on the violation of the law in 2 cases were submitted to law enforcement agencies for legal action.

Today, there are 3,187 farms authorized to grow seed cotton, 51 special elite seed farms, 17 scientific research institutes, 22 early mornings, 5 The implementation of agrotechnical activities in the optimal terms for the cultivation of high-generation seeds of medium-sized, 3 thin-fiber, 24 promising and more than 50 new cotton varieties is being monitored.

N. Ismailov, M. Kurbanbayev, I. Gulmuratov, "Uzagroinspeksiya" Department of control over cultivation of seeds of agricultural crops
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