In the field of agriculture, breeding is the creation of a variety of a crop, and ensuring its life is the main task of the seed industry.
If the renewal of seed production of any variety is not carried out on a regular basis, along with the violation of the specified quality indicators of the created variety, its morphological or valuable economic signs will change, leading to the disappearance of the created variety.
It is known from many years of experience that as a result of using low-quality seeds by farms, in addition to the fact that the expenses incurred are not justified, the land planted with low-quality seeds has become useless for a year.
Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of food in our country, in order to control the use of quality-guaranteed and certified seeds by consumers, the cultivation, storage, sale and use of seeds, as well as the determination of the genetic (variety) and seed quality of seeds. in connection with the state control of the activities related to the activities carried out in the tasks related to "Ozagroinspeksiya" are defined in normative legal documents.
In particular, according to the requirements of the Law "On Seed Production", the determination, determination and control of quality indicators of seeds in the republic is carried out in three stages. In this:
The first stage is the genetic (variety) quality of seeds through field approval of seed crops used for seed production;
The second stage is by evaluating the varieties of seed crops by planting them in the soil;
The third stage is determined by the results of seed germination tests conducted in the laboratory.
When determining the initial quality indicators of seeds, i.e., field approval genetic (variety) quality, the samples taken from the plants in the seed field are visually analyzed and they are required to fully meet the description given by the originator of the variety that created this variety. .
Many people have valid questions. What does the word approval mean? Why are commissions formed and approval field inspections conducted in seed areas? Who is involved in the approval commission? Who controls these processes? These questions are answered as follows.
APPROBATION is - (derived from the Latin word Approbatio - meaning approval, approval).
According to archival sources, field approval inspections in our country began in 1925.
FIELD APPROVAL is an event carried out in connection with the analysis and assessment of the general condition of the crops in the seed areas, i.e. genetic (variety) purity and other quality indicators, as well as the future use of the seeds obtained from this area for seed purposes.
Why is an approval review conducted?
In order to provide the subjects producing agricultural products in the republic with genetically pure seeds of regionalized and promising varieties recommended for planting in the republic, approval of seed collection and maintained areas is carried out every year according to the type of crop within the specified periods. will be held.
Who and where will conduct the approval review?
Approval of seed crops used for seed production according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Seed Production" Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Uzagroinspeksiya", Farmer, Farmer of Uzbekistan It is held in the seed fields based on the joint decision of the district approval commissions established by the joint decision of the territorial bodies of the council of land owners and estate owners, as well as relevant training and supply organizations, scientific institutions.
What is the purpose of approval?
The main purpose of field approval is the genetic (variety) purity of the crops in the seed fields used for seed production, whether they are damaged by pests, whether they are infected with diseases, cultivated plants that are difficult to separate, weeds, including the most dangerous is to determine the estimated yield by studying whether the recommended agrotechnical measures for the cultivation of seeds have been cleaned from the most dangerous quarantine and poisonous alien plants.
In this case, the work of the seed-growing subjects in maintaining the fertility and other qualities of the crops in the seed fields is evaluated.
How to control approval?
The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Seeding" and the Cabinet of Ministers' Decision No. 641 of October 12, 2021
It is controlled by the Uzagroinspeksiya in accordance with the Regulation "On the procedure for approving agricultural crops in areas sown for seeding" approved by Annex 3.
Based on the above, today in our republic, as a result of these measures, the yield and quality indicators for the grain harvest of 2024 are high, and the seed grain from high-yielding grain varieties is collected according to the Inspection's "Agricultural Crops Seeds" Appropriate measures have been determined and control activities are being carried out by the Department for Control of Cultivation of Flowers and Regional Departments, District Territorial Departments.
Seeds of agricultural crops
control of cultivation
chief specialist of the department Sh. Khayitov