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Warnings are issued about identified deficiencies in grain care.

16 February 2024 901

“Uzagroinspectorate” constantly monitors the timely and high-quality implementation of agrotechnical measures on grain fields maintained for the 2024 harvest in the territories of the republic.

In particular, 1 million for the 2024 harvest in the regions. 169 thousand 775 hectares of water fields are cultivated with grain crops, and today 1 million of these fields are cultivated. 140,000 hectares or 98% are in the budding stage, and 29,000 hectares or 2% are developing in the 3-4 leaf stage.In particular, 1 million for the

2024 harvest in the regions. 169 thousand 775 hectares of water fields are cultivated with grain crops, and today 1 million of these fields are cultivated. 140,000 hectares or 98% are in the budding stage, and 29,000 hectares or 2% are developing in the 3-4 leaf stage.

Irrigation work was carried out on grain fields almost twice.

Also, fertilizing with nitrogenous mineral fertilizers is of great importance in growing high grain yields, because winter wheat needs nitrogen in all phases of development, starting from the initial phase of development.

Today, the first spring feeding of grain with nitrogen mineral fertilizers (200-250 kg/ha) was carried out on 587 thousand 525 hectares or 50% of the area.

This event is actively held in Surkhandarya, Samarkand, Bukhara, Navoi, Jizzakh and Tashkent regions.

Top dressing with local fertilizers is very beneficial for good grain growth and abundant harvest.

When applying local fertilizers to grain fields, the agrochemical and agrophysical properties of the soil are improved, moisture is well retained, this has a positive effect on the growth and development of grain and further increases the possibility of obtaining a bountiful harvest. from grain. .

Today, 3 tons of local fertilizers per hectare have been installed on grain fields, and in February, 47 percent (1 million 663 thousand tons) of local fertilizers have been released on grain fields to date.

During the season, field specialists carried out 116 preventive measures and 203 inspections in connection with the timely and high-quality implementation of agrotechnical measures for grain care.

During these activities, 252 deficiencies were identified, 78 warnings were issued, 160 written instructions were issued, and 69 notices were issued to eliminate deficiencies.

“Uzagroinspectorate” constantly monitors the timeliness and quality of agrotechnical measures for grain care in the regions.

Department of Inspection for Control of Agrotechnical Activities in Agriculture

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