Ру Ўз O`z En

Warnings have been announced in the regions regarding the quality of autumn plowing

24 November 2023 1351

Our people have a proverb: “If you plow the land, plow the autumn; if you don’t plow the autumn, plow a hundred,” and this is not said in vain. Autumn plowing is of great importance for obtaining abundant harvests in agriculture. Timely and high-quality plowing creates a good foundation for next year’s harvest.

It was decided that for the 2024 harvest, autumn plowing of 1 million 350 thousand hectares will be carried out in the republic.

This year, 5,786 units of driven tractors were involved in plowing, of which 4,329 units were high-performance running tractors.

To date (November 24, 2023), plowing has been carried out on 1 million 204 thousand 255 hectares or 89.2 percent of the area. (According to operational information from the Ministry of Agriculture)

During the season, Uzagroinspektsiya carried out control activities in connection with the quality of this event on the ground.

In this case, first of all, attention was paid to the quality of plowing, as well as to ensure that the beginning and end of the field were plowed to a given depth, and each contour was made in the form of a rectangle, i.e., an “envelope”, and the area around the alder and trees was completely plowed.

Since the beginning of the season, Uzagroinspektsiya has carried out 21 thousand control measures on the quality of plowing.

During the control activities, it was established that in 6 thousand 684 regional farms, 34 thousand 622 hectares of land were plowed without a complete contour, of poor quality or not plowed to the specified depth.

Industry officials were given 446 representations and 20,581 warnings to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

“Uzagroinspektsiya” ensures constant monitoring of arable work in the regions during the season for timely and high-quality completion.

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