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With the practical help of "Uzagroinspeksiya", water was supplied to consumers in areas with heavy water supply in 1027 cases.

13 June 2023 1368

Khalida Shodieva, the head of the information service of "Uzagroinspeksiya", informed about this at a briefing held at AOKA:

"Uzagroinspeksiya" is carrying out practical measures to ensure rational and efficient use of water for irrigation of agricultural crops, to create a favorable water regime in irrigated lands.

Special attention is paid to practical activities on the ground in order to ensure the effective and rational use of water intended for agriculture, as well as the delivery of water with strict distribution among water consumers and the early prevention of water wastage in the use of existing water resources.

In particular, 4,624 practical activities were conducted by experts in the field of water resources control in the past period of this year.

A total of 9,424 cases of water wastage were prevented in the fields as a result of the clear instructions and practical measures given.

In particular, water wastage by over-irrigation of cultivated fields, dumping of water directly into collector-drainage networks, leaving water in the field unattended without attracting enough irrigators to irrigation works, taking excess water from the limit, using allocated water for other purposes, etc. violations of water use and water consumption procedures were identified, and measures were taken to eliminate the deficiencies on the spot.

Also, in 350 cases, water supply organizations provided water from illegally opened water intakes from unauthorized places, in 11 cases from reservoirs and

In 96 cases, cases of unauthorized water discharge from the pumping station were identified, and it was ensured that it was carried out on the basis of strictly defined regimes of water intake.

With the direct practical help of inspectors:

Disputes between water users and water consumers were resolved in 887 cases;

In 1,27 cases, water consumers in areas with severe water supply were assisted in supplying water;

Waste water discharge from 472 unusable water bodies was stopped;

In 767 cases, repair and restoration works were organized in inter-farmer internal irrigation networks with high water loss;

In 370 cases, protecting the legal interests of other water users, their violated rights were restored;

In 238 cases, damage to water management facilities was restored;

Practical educational seminars were held in 262 places in cooperation with relevant organizations;

In 601 cases, methodical and recommendatory assistance was provided to explain the current legal documents and their amendments, and to prevent violations of the requirements therein.

In addition, in areas where water shortages are felt, promotion and propaganda work is being carried out on alternate use of water among farmers, peasant households, etc., using the same irrigation network.

Today, as a result of the practical work performed by the Inspectorate, the level of water consumption culture of water consumers has increased, and rational and economical use of water resources allocated for irrigation is being ensured.

"Uzagroinspektsiya" Information Service

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