Ру Ўз O`z En


21 May 2024 1541

With the President's Decree No. PF-90 dated June 10, 2023 "On measures for the effective organization of state management in the field of agriculture and food within the framework of administrative reforms", the task of the Ministry of Agriculture in the field of state control in the protection of agricultural land and It was determined that the functions will be carried out by the Inspectorate.

In accordance with this, in January-April 2024, in January-April 2024, 6.2 hectares of irrigated arable land were arbitrarily removed from agricultural circulation by the Khorezm Regional Department of the Inspection Inspection of Agro-Industrial Complex, and 3 billion 888 million, 47 thousand soums were found. damage is


1 billion 484 million 496 thousand soums were calculated on the area of 2.25 hectares in 47 cases of violations of the law, 2 billion 503 million 551 thousand soums were calculated on the area of 3.95 hectares in 10 cases on the activity of legal entities (farms, business entities).

When these violations are divided into categories and analyzed: - in cases of illegal construction works on agricultural land - in 56 cases, 1 billion 654 million 530 thousand soums were damaged on an area of 2.5 hectares;

- regarding damage caused by illegal extraction of the fertile layer of the soil - in 1 case, it was determined that damage of 2 billion 233 million 516 thousand soums was caused to an area of 3.7 hectares.

In 32 cases (975,604,000 soums) for recovery of damages, lawsuits were filed in courts, in 1 case, a warning letter was issued to pay 7,139,000 soums in a voluntary period, and in 24 cases, 2,905,303,000 soums were considered damages. , the collected documents were sent to law enforcement agencies for consideration.

N.Karimov - Head of Department of Control of Agricultural Land Use of Khorezm Regional Department of "Uzagroinspektsiya"

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