Ру Ўз O`z En

Khorezm's golden thresher of high quality

21 June 2024 520

85,000 tons of wheat grain, including 77,000 tons of commercial grain, including 26,900 tons for the fund account, 50,100 tons for temporary storage and 8,000 tons of seed wheat by grain-growing farms and grain clusters in the Khorezm region in the 2024 grain receiving season it is planned to grow grain.


Harvesting of grain has started in the region since June 7 of this year, and grain growing farms in the region and the grain clusters have achieved the fulfillment of their assignments for temporary storage and the delivery of grain for the state reserve within a very short period of time.

According to the tasks set in Khorezm region, 27 thousand 829 tons or 102 percent of the state reserve and 70 thousand 737 tons or 143 percent of the state reserve and 70 thousand 737 tons or 143 percent of the grain received for temporary storage were handed over to grain receiving enterprises.

The responsible experts of the Khorezm regional office of "Uzagroinspektsiya" achieved a fair resolution of the conflicting issues arising between receivers and senders regarding the quality of grain.

27 thousand 829 tons of wheat grains accepted for state reserve and 70 thousand 737 tons of wheat grains accepted for temporary storage as a result of the efforts of experts of the regional administration were accepted into the upper 3rd classes.

The average quality indicators of received grains are moisture 12.38%, dirtiness 3.04%, cereal mixture 4.28%, bulk weight 751g/l, gluten content 23%, transparency 53%.

On the other hand, the specialists of the Khorezm regional office of "Uzagroinspektsiya" attached to the grain receiving enterprises and their grain receiving stations in the region place the received grains according to their quality indicators, and analyze the received samples based on the current regulatory documents and the specialists responsible for the correct formalization of the analysis results are given instructions and their execution is fully monitored.


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