Ру Ўз O`z En

AMUDARYA district: agricultural machinery undergoes mandatory technical inspection

13 March 2024 888

Currently, employees of the AMUDARYA district department of the Agroinspectorate of the Republic of Karakalpakstan are conducting a special check of the readiness of the equipment available to agricultural enterprises for the spring sowing.

The process of restoration and repair of alternative machine and tractor parks servicing agricultural machinery belonging to district farms is strictly controlled by employees of the district department of the Agroinspectorate, and serious attention is paid to the quality of work.

All agricultural equipment and trailers for it in 18 alternative machine and tractor parks in places of responsibility for the maintenance of equipment participating in the current spring sowing season of 2024 were carefully checked by specialists of the Agroinspectorate. During the research, it was established that 150 seeders, 325 cultivators, 1,700 toothed harrows, 293 seeders, brought to these machine and tractor parks for repairs, were repaired and ready for planting.

Setting up equipment, which is the main working tool of the farmer, is certainly a solid foundation for the successful completion of the new agricultural year. Therefore, the quality of the equipment used when planting in the fields of Amudarya farmers was specially noted for the season and technical inspection certificates were awarded.

Employees of the AMUDARYA district department of the inspection for control of the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited the alternative machine and tractor park of Turkmenistan and inspected the technical condition of cotton and other agricultural machinery imported to this enterprise. spent.

In alternative machine and tractor parks, 7 seeders, 19 cultivators, 108 toothed harrows, 19 iron seeders were assembled and repaired, and 27 mechanics were issued certificates of 100% readiness for sowing.

Also, specialists led by the head of the AMUDARYA district department of the Agroinspectorate Sarvar Matekubov visited the alternative machine and tractor park “Ak Oltin” and got acquainted with the state of readiness of the equipment collected here for the 2024 sowing season.

In the alternative machine and tractor fleet, 9 seeders, 15 cultivator units, 130 toothed harrows, and 14 iron seeders were repaired and brought into serviceable condition for the planting season. According to the conclusion of specialists from the regional department of the Agroinspectorate, the mechanics of the farms served by these alternative vehicle and tractor fleets were issued certificates of technical inspection of the equipment.

Most of the work in agriculture is done by machinery. Due to this, ensuring timely and convenient spring field work depends on high-quality equipment repairs. In this regard, specialists of the district department of Agroinspectorate are always responsible for ensuring that the maintenance process is carried out on the basis of strict control.

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