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Inspection News

Quality seed preparation for the 2024 harvest is under control

Quality seed preparation for the 2024 harvest is under control

Monitoring activities are carried out by specialists from the Bukhara regional department and the district department of inspection for control over the cultivation of agricultural seeds.

9 January 2024 1488
Surkhandarya region: 123 cases of land withdrawal from agricultural circulation were identified in the region

Surkhandarya region: 123 cases of land withdrawal from agricultural circulation were identified in the region

Over the past period, the department of “Uzagroinspection” of the Surkhandarya regional department for control over the use of agricultural land recorded 123 cases of arbitrary seizure of land from agricultural use on an area of 7.58 hectares. 6 billion 356 Losses in the amount of 332 th…

9 January 2024 1225
The quality of agrotechnical activities in grain fields is under the control of the Inspectorate.

The quality of agrotechnical activities in grain fields is under the control of the Inspectorate.

“Uzagroinspektsiya” established control over the timely implementation of agrotechnical measures in the fields sown with grain for the 2024 harvest in the republic.

5 January 2024 1331
In 2023, the Agroinspectorate held state registration of more than 10,000 new technical specialists.

In 2023, the Agroinspectorate held state registration of more than 10,000 new technical specialists.

It’s not for nothing that experienced farmers say: “Technology is the farmer’s wing.” Abundant agricultural production depends on agricultural practices. Therefore, in our country, managers of agricultural cluster enterprises and farmers pay special attention to the acquisiti…

5 January 2024 1196
In Samarkand, in 66 cases the damage caused as a result of the exclusion of lands from agricultural circulation was calculated.

In Samarkand, in 66 cases the damage caused as a result of the exclusion of lands from agricultural circulation was calculated.

The Department for Control over the Use of Agricultural Lands of the Samarkand Regional Department of the Uzagroinspectorate carries out the following control over the protection of agricultural lands: over the use of agricultural lands for the specified purposes;

4 January 2024 1171
About 43 thousand tons of high-generation seed potatoes have been accumulated throughout the republic.

About 43 thousand tons of high-generation seed potatoes have been accumulated throughout the republic.

In the direction of control over the cultivation of agricultural seeds of the inspection, seed potatoes planted to obtain seeds for the 2024 harvest and recognized as suitable according to the results of the field inspection were collected on time on 2 thousand 682 hectares. Inspectors monitored the…

29 December 2023 1555
In the test, the “New Year tree” turned out to be a gift for children

In the test, the “New Year tree” turned out to be a gift for children

The New Year tree is the most anticipated event for every child. Today, for the first time, Agroinspectorate hosted a “New Year’s Tree” to entertain the children of employees.

28 December 2023 1436
Agricultural equipment is being prepared for field work in the spring of 2024.

Agricultural equipment is being prepared for field work in the spring of 2024.

Over the past period of 2023, the technical condition control department of the Surkhandarya regional department of agricultural inspection carried out 800 control activities, of which 508 written instructions, 5 submissions and 287 management decisions were adopted. 2 thousand 702 different types o…

27 December 2023 1777
Samarkand: the quality of storage of cotton raw materials is under control

Samarkand: the quality of storage of cotton raw materials is under control

Acceptance, processing and high-quality storage and sale of cotton processing enterprises by cotton processing enterprises of the branch for control over the use of cotton raw materials and products obtained as a result of its processing of the Samarkand regional department of the Uzagroinspectorate…

26 December 2023 1510
The government has established the practice of effectively organizing the implementation of regulatory documents in authorities and inspections

The government has established the practice of effectively organizing the implementation of regulatory documents in authorities and inspections

In order to ensure the implementation of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to strengthen the personal responsibility of heads of government bodies and local executive authorities in the effective organization of the execution of legislative docum…

25 December 2023 1455


As we previously reported, in 2023-2024 a number of practical measures will be taken to create additional conditions for proper cultural recreation for employees of the Uzagroinspectorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, rational use of rest and vacations. The work is being carried out according to s…

25 December 2023 1408
DIGITIZATION: What has been done in the direction of monitoring technical condition

DIGITIZATION: What has been done in the direction of monitoring technical condition

As a result of paying special attention to the digitalization of the sphere in the past period, to date, 3 digitally automated information systems have been created and put into operation in the direction of monitoring the technical condition of the Uzagroinspectorate.

22 December 2023 1303
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